
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pay it Forward Award

Thanks Denise!

I received my first blog award from Denise, a very talented fellow team member at Pages in Time.

This is an inspirational award and I'm very honored to receive it. It is also a "Pay it Forward" award.

When you get the award, copy this message into your blog post when you pass on the award to someone else:

"I am going to look for blogs that inspire me no matter how much bling, posts, links, etc they have on them. If I see something that actually invokes a change in they way I look at the world or how I think about papercrafts or if the person says or creates something that brings about novel ideas in me then they get the award.

I will post their first name and a link to their blog. I will leave them a message on their blog letting them know what I thought was so inspiring. Then, on my blog, I will write five or more sentences describing what kinds of things inspire me, what do I do with the inspiration and how can I pay it forward to others."

I choose to pass on this award to Sketchy Thursdays. They are a wonderful sketch blog that I frequent often for inspiration. Not only do they provide inspiration through their sketches, they also have wonderful sponsors. They award a person a week for completing their weekly sketch. They truly are an inspiration.

Here's a link to Sketchy Thursdays.


  1. Amarylis, thank you so much for honoring our little challenge blog! Diana and I teamed up with the goal of inspiring people and we're so happy we are living up to it! Thank you for playing along and supporting us each week! Without you and everyone like you, well, we'd still be challenging people weekly - we just wouldn't be as successful! LOL!!!! Happy Holidays to you!!

    - Heidi, Sketchy Thursdays co-founder

  2. Can't wait to check out their blog Amy!! Thanks for doing this! It is a well deserved award:)

  3. Thank you SOOOO much, Amarylis! I have loved seeing your work, you are very talented! I am so glad you like visiting our blog and playing along with us!!!
    -Diana, Sketchy Thursdays founder


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