
Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Today, I have some bad news and a few requests.

Karen (the owner of Pages in Time)'s 3 1/2 year old Grandson Lennon has been battling cancerous brain tumors. His first tumor was removed and he went into remission for about 6 months. This week he went for his monthly MRI check and they found 3 tumors. The doctors have given Lennon a 20% chance of survival.

Please join the Design Team at Pages in Time in lifting Lennon's and his family's spirits with Project "Cards For Lennon".

Cards are an amazing way to lift someone's spirit and to let them know that you care about them. Let us show Lennon that we are praying for him! That people do care! And let him have the joy of opening each envelope like it is a present at Christmas time. Imagine the joy, amazement and smile you will bring to a child when he opens each card.

Please send your cards to:

Pages In Time
5221 South 48 Street Suite 8
Lincoln NE 68516

If you can't send a card, pray for this little boy!!! Prayers can move mountains!

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