
Monday, May 3, 2010


I hope that you all had a wonderful National Scrapbooking Day! I sure did!
I spent the whole day online on They had challenges every hour and I played along all of them and guess what? I actually won one!
I also made a new layout with the theme, why I scrapbook, for the all day chalenge, which I didn't win but I'm so glad that I did it.

I used the sketch and colors are based on The Color Room, a ning community that I just found a few days ago. Here's the inspiration for the layout:

I loved the way my layout turned out! I've had this picture for a few years and didn't know what to do with it and I think it goes perfect for this topic. The journaling reads:
I scrapbook to preserve my memories. So that one day, my children and grandchildren can read all about me, my husband and our lives together. I scrapbook because some moments shouldn't be forgotten. It's the little things that matter the most. I scrapbook to tell my story in a creative way and hopefully, leave a legacy behind that would be treasured for years to come.

Here are some close ups of the layout:

I handmade everything for this layout, including the vine but excluding the Petaloo wild roses (white flowers). The title and journaling are computer print-out as well as the butterflies. I usually don't like round pictures but I love how this one looks!

On another note, I released a few Monarch butterflies into the wild today. As caterpillars, they were munching on a milkweed plant next to my house but when they ate the whole plant, I came to the rescue (typically me). I hand-raised them on pumpkin and today, they all emerged from their cocoons. Nature is truly amazing!
Here are a few pictures:

Thanks for taking your time to read my super long post! :)


  1. That's a beautiful I told you on! You are very creative in making all the stuff yourself!!

    I can't believe you hand raised cool are you!

  2. Hi,
    This is amazing.......i looooooooooove butterfly's
    warm hugs


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