
Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Thank you to those who have been praying for me & my family. I appreciate it. Things seem to be getting better. We'll see.

Today, I just have a few cards to share with you.

I'm happy to say that I was asked to be a guest designer for sketches {by Tamara}. She asked me to do something for her recipe challenge: stars, staples and rub-ons and I must admit that this was a challenge because I do not have many rub-ons (I don't like them). Well, I came up with this card and I'm very happy with it.

Masculine Round Card

I made the stars by hand and embossed the one in the back with my cuttlebug. The title I designed and printed at home and used Tim Holtz tiny attacher stapler, which I received from the prize pack and I must admit, I loved it! For rub-ons, I used BoBunny's stitching rub-ons that I had around (don't know for how long though). I also used a piece of cardboard for a more masculine look.

Masculine Round Card

This one was a lot of fun! I made it for my dad's birthday 2 weeks ago. I distressed it and love how elegant turned out!

Masculine Card

This was a quick masculine birthday card I made using the Color Combo Galore #150. I distressed and inked the card to make it masculine and had a lot of fun doing it too! I finished it off with a handcut cardboard star.

Masculine Card

Another quick one for Pages in Time card challenge and color challenge. For the card challenge, I had to use an animal in the card so I used a dragonfly. The colors that I chose (she gave us about 4 color combos to chose from) for the color challenge was blue/orange/white which screams boy to me so I added a big cardboard star to the card and called it done! :)

Feminine Birthday Cards

Now, I love how these two cards turned out! The bear is a digi stamp by Squigglefly. Isn't it adorable!? I colored her in photoshop and printed her twice, with different colored dress. I highlighted her with stickles to make it girly and blingy. I entered these two cards in Colorful Creations's Squigglefly Card Challenge, which actually ends tomorrow.

Well, this is all I have for now. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love the masculine cards! The bears on the feminine ones are really cute too!

  2. Hi Amarilys
    I found your site in Tamara's Blog.
    You have a beautiful blog and wonderful creations.
    Absolutely Beautiful card, love how you did.
    Congrats to be a guest designer in Tamara's Sketches Blog.
    Now i'm your new follower.

    Greetings from Puerto Rico.

    I invite you to join in my Studio60 Celebration Challenge.


  3. Beautiful cards! Love your style, the distressing and layering rocks.

  4. wow what beautiful cards. Love all the distressing!

  5. Great cards thanks for sharing!!!


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