Monday, June 21, 2010


Hope that everyone had a great Father's Day (even if you are mot a father!). My husband and I went to breakfast with my dad and brother and then we went to see his dad. We had a small get together at my husband's uncle's house and we went in the pool for about 3 hrs or so. It as a blast!

Anyway, now for the important things. I finished another layout today. I think this has to be a record or something because I've only been taking one day to finish a layout when it usually takes me at least 2 days. I entered this layout in 3 challenges:

Pages in Time
Scraplift Challenge. I scraplifted Lisa's If a Picture Say. I scraplifted the circle behind the picture, the greenery and the bling location.

Sketch Inspiration Sketch #129. I used the basic design but mirrored it to fit my picture better.

Color Combo Galore Inspiration Board #147 which is to use cream, green, brown and gold/yellow.

Here is my layout:

I cut the greenery, leaves and flowers with my Pazzles. For the circle, I used Craftysprinkles Easy water distressing technique. The other papers I just ran a pair of scissors through the edge to distress them. The wavy border is inspired by Gabi's layouts as well as the faux green stones in the bottom right corner. I actually made them in photoshop, print, cut, and added diamond glaze over them. A little different than Gabi's handmade technique. Love how they turned out!

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week! I'll leave you with some close ups of the page:

Friday, June 18, 2010


It's Friday (in case you forgot!) and I have a few things to share with you today.
First, I made these awesome looking fabric flowers using a tutorial provided in the Do it yourself group over at Pages in Time.

I think that they are so pretty and soft!

On another note, I made another layout.

I started with a white sheet of paper. Because I don't have Tim Holtz masks, I made my own out of a transparency using my pazzles (would you call me cheap or inventive LOL). I adhered it using Zig large glue pen (it's a re-positionable glue) and inked and sprayed a water mixture with acrylic paint to my heart's content! Boy was this messy! LOL

I distressed the sides of the now brown paper and let it dry. This is what it looked like when I finished:

I then cut up some pieces of the yummy Basic Grey Origins pattern papers that I got recently and distressed them using Craftysprinkles Easy water distressing technique and put the aside to dry. The black fence I cut with the Pazzles and applied some Diamond Glaze on it to give it a shiny look to it. The flowers are another funny story.
As many of you know, I LOVE Prima flowers but every time I order from, they never have these:

Camelot Collection-Vanessa

so I decided to make my own to match this layout and came up with these. Now, I know that they don't quite look alike but I still love how mine came out! The green flourish is a prima felt piece shape that I cut out of pattern paper with the Pazzles (I gave it a lot of use yesterday!). The photo anchor is a Tim Holtz Grunge Board-Grungeboard Elements shape that I made out of dark brown cardstock, cut 5 times, with the Pazzles. Finally, the dragonflies I printed and hand cut them and added a little bling with the Diamond Stickles.

Here are a few close up pictures of the layout:

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, June 14, 2010


I have some exiting news to share with you!
I received an e-mail yesterday afternoon from Irene Swain who writes for The Examiner in Miami. Here's what she wrote: "Your "With This Ring I Thee Wed" layout has been chosen as one of two winners in the paper category of Examiner's week 5 wedding-themed scrapbook contest." I'm very exited about this! Here's her online article about my layout which happens to be one of my favorite.

On another note, I finished a digi double layout today.

The left page is based on Sketchy Thursdays' sketch for this week which I liked a lot. Of course, I added another page since I wanted to make a double layout for these pictures.

Left page

Right page

Thanks for stopping by & have a wonderful week! :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010


It's me again and this time I have two cards to share with you.

I was googling the other day and came across two blogs. The first one is Sketches {by Tamara} and just loved her sketch for this week!
Here it is:

and here is my take:

For some reason this sketch called me to make a card which opens in the front. I handmade all the flowers, butterflies and flourishes. Lately, I've been scrapping a lot using purple and green. I think it has become one of my new combo for women cards. I love it! Here are some close ups:

The other blog is Bugaboo Stamps and they sell digi stamps. I tried out one for free and made this card using it.

I colored the turtle stamp in photoshop, using a tablet (first time) and had a blast with it! I liked it so much that I used two party turtles in my card! The colors are inspired by TCR palette #10, which I though would make a great boy's card.

Here are some close ups:

Thanks for stopping by & have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Yup, it me again!
I just finished another layout and I had so much fun with it! Here it is:

and I used Liz Qualman's sketch seen below. Thanks Liz for the inspiration!

Believe it or not this whole layout is done with cardstock, acrylic paint, distress ink and perfect pears and I handmade the flourishes, flowers, greenery and dragonflies. I started with a white smooth cardstock and stamped the dragonflies with Tim Holtz distress ink (vintage photo). I diluted some black acrylic paint and sprayed on the white cardstock and then let it dry. I then inked the edges and applied some perfect perals powder on the dragonflies. I love how the background looks! I think it goes really well with the outdorsy feel that I wanted for this layout. I named the layout 'sitting pretty' because Cubby was being good and was posing for me. As you can see, he's very photogenic. He looks to the left, straight at me, then to the right, so that i can get every angle. He's such a good dog! Anyway, the green cardstock and shiny white cardstock are from Joann, Core-dinations I believe. The backgrounf green cardstock is from a stack from walmart and it's also textured. I handmade the flowers and drgonflies, as stated previously. The greenery is from Pink Paislee's new line of pattern paper. I scanned the paper and just print out what I need (the leaves). I handcut it and stickle it and voila! Instant greenery! Finally, the dragonflies are an image that I found on when I searched for dragonflies. I handcut them and stickled them too.

I'll leave you with some close ups. Thanks for stopping by again!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hiya bloggers!
So today I have two more layouts to share with you, along with a sketch!

Here's the sketch:
done by Amarilys

and my take on it:
done by Amarilys
I used the sketch to make another wedding layouts and it went perfectly for my wedding party layout. We had 6 bridesmaid and groomsmen couples so fitting so many pictures in one or even a double layout was a little challenging. Of course, I handmade all the flourishes as wella s butterflies. The flowers are prima's (surprise, surprise!) and the background paper is from La Creme Colllection by DCWV. The doily is from the dollar store. I cut the title & black leaves with my pazzles.

Finally, here another 1 year anniversary layout of me!
done by Amarilys

It doesn't happen ofter but there I am in the picture instead of taking the picture! I love how this layout came out! I made the flowers (which I love!) and the flourishes using 3D paint. The little hummingbird in the top left corner is a stamp and this is actually my first time using a real stamp in a layout! I love how it cam out! It was also my first time cuting out the design and fitting my layout under it. I did this with the butterflies that overlapped teh strips of paper in the background. i hated that they would be covered by the strips so I decided to cut the out and place the over it! Hello, where have I been? I know that scrappers have been doing this for so long but I hated the idea of cutting the pretty paper. Of course, I also hated the idea of covering it so cutting won!

This layout is based on Sketchy Thursdays GDC for July. Here's the sketch:
Sketchy Thursdays

Anyway, than you for stopping by! Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I've been having so much fun making flowers that I decided to list a few on eBay today. I haven't listed anything on eBay in a while but these are too adorable, if I say so myself!

handmade by Amarilys

handmade by Amarilys

Thanks for stopping by!

HINT: Click on the picture to go to my listing!

Monday, June 7, 2010


If you haven't checked out The Color Room you must do that now! Every Friday they bring us a different Room and color palette and this week I absolutely loved the sketch as well as teh palette although, I must admit, that I never use blue and pink in a layout because when I do, the layout turns too kiddie for me. Those soft colors remind me of a little girl so I tend not to use them together. However, I love my take on their challenge.

TCR #9

and my take on it:

These pics are from my one year anniversary Bahamas cruise and the topic, of course, is the cruise's food. I handmade all the flowers in this layout out of cardstock and I specially love the pink hydrangeas! I also made the bling swirls with stickles and 3D paint.

I stopped by and played this weekend during the crop at Creative Scrapbooking Divas. I made a card for a challenge that asked to use stars, stripes and something hand-tied. Here's my Father's Day card:

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Friday, June 4, 2010


What a week! It has been great! It rained, excuse me, I meant to say, we had thunderstorms from the moment I woke up to the time I went to bed so it was a perfect week to scrapbook and scrap I did! I finished 5 pages, one of them being a double layout, for my wedding album, one layout for my one year anniversary album and one card!

The picture on the left is my fishy (his name is Navi) and you can see through the window how bad the weather was! (pic taken at 10 AM)

Anyway, here are the layouts that I finished. Just a warning, this will be a long post!

This is the first page I make for my one year anniversary album, which, as you all know, my husband and I spent it in Bahamas and it was awesome! I used Sketch Inspiration Sketch #126 for this one and I went with a monochromatic blue look, since we were sitting on a boat on our way to go kayaking. The blue flourish mimics the waves and I cut it with my pazzles, as well as the title (it was pain to glue down every single tiny letter!). I made the flourishes with blue and white 3D paint. The flowers are from my stash that I've had for years now and I know for sure that the smaller blue ones are from Oriental Trading. The dark blue paper is from the Mariposa Stack by DCWV (I just got it last weekend and I love it!). The wavy backgroud is based on Gabi's Tutorial on her blog.

I think this is my all time favorite layout for my wedding album! I love the close ups of our hands exchanging the rings so I made them the focus of this layout. I made the bling rings using rhinestones that I purchased from Joann. The title and black flourishes in the bottom I cut with the Pazzles. The greenery I handcut and stickled. The butterfly and white flowers are prima and the die cut paper is by Creative Imaginations.

This was a fun layout to do and I finished it in less than 2 hrs! It's a record for me, ok? Because we got married in a park, we couldn't have open flames so I googled and found out about the sand ceremony which I though suited us more, living in Miami and having an outdoor wedding, so we went with it. It's pretty much the same idea as the candle ceremony. The green (we chose the colors) symbolizes God, white was mine and black was my husband, so we get God in the bottom, the foundation of our marriage, the my husband's layer as a person, a white layer, symbolizing myself as one, then another green layer, God over us and then both my husband and I pour our sand, mixing it, symbolizing marriage and that we are now one. It is finished with another green layer, God sealing the marriage. This page has a lot of meaning to me so I decided to go simple with it. I made the bling flourish with 3D paint and rhinestones. The background paper, flowers and the lace frame are by Prima.

I love how this page came out too! I absolutely love the green die cut paper by Pink Paislee! I handmade the butterflies and bling flourishes with stickles and 3D white paint. I handcut and stickled the greenery. The flowers are from Prima and the black background paper is from the Mariposa Stack by DCWV. The cream ribbon pleat was part of the big box of goodies that I won from! It's also from Pink Paislee.

Last but not least, this is our parents double layout. I struggled a little with a double page spread but I'm happy with the result.I used Martha Stewart lace punch to mat the large picture and her scallop dot punch for the bottom border. Again, I handmade the bling flourishes and butterflies and handcut the greenery.

If you made if this far and you are still awake, thank you! You just have two more cards to go! :)

I made this card for a friend who just turned 25 and she loved it! As you all know, I love to make my own flowers and I recently got a terrific book from Susan Tierney Cockburn. The title is "Paper bouquet-using paper punches to create Beautiful Flowers"-it's awesome! Anyway, the butterfly was an accident. I tried printing it in purple to match the rest of the card but my blue ink died and pink came out. I like it though! I embossed the background purple paper with my cuttlebug and handmade the 3D paint flourishes.

This card I made using only scraps and it's just a generic (women) birthday card. Very nice, simple but quick!

Thanks again for stopping by my blog! I appreciate it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Good morning bloggers! Sorry that I haven't been around but these past two weeks were my R&R time. Like I mentioned earlier, the first weekend my husband and I went on a Bahamas cruise for 3 days and the following weekend, we went with a group of friends (10 of us total) to Disney-four parks in four days! It was crazy and we came back really tired but we had a lot of fun!

On another note, I'm sad to say that yesterday was my last day as a Design Team Member for Pages in Time. I learned a lot there and will definitely keep coming back to play in crops and monthly challenges. Everyone there is so friendly.

Well, enough of that or I'm going to start getting tear-eyed. Here's a sketch that I want to share with you! Feel free to use it. I just ask that you mention my name in your blog or online community. Enjoy!