Sunday, January 31, 2010


These are the first 4 weeks of January for my Project 365 for 2010.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Pages in Time's February page kits *Vintage Moments in Time* are up for sale now!
All the pattern papers are double sided!

Karen is really excited about this kit and it has all double sided paper and it is the largest kit that she has done so far. Wonderful vintage papers from the new Graphic 45 paper,7 gyspsies, and prima. Rich gorgeous paper that you can do some much with. She used all prima flowers to make it even more wonderful.
Price $25.95
Add on Kit Price:$34.00

This add on kit has the biggest add on we have done.Petaloo flowers assortment box, Smooch ink Jewel Brad assortment, Prima Pebbles, Prima Flowers, Prima Say it in Crystals, Melissa Frances-vintage keyholes, Vellum-white with red glitter, Prima Felt border in black,, Red doily Heart Black embossed Paper, MM Die cut paper, GCD Die cut paper

There are also three more smaller add on kits you can purchase. Go check them out now. (register with Pages in Time and go to Products for sale on the top)


TIME'S UP! The winner for this month's color challenge is....

Zandra Perez

Here's her winning LO:

Zandra, email me your addy so I can send you your RAK!
my is e-mail:

Because there weren't many entries this month, I'll stop doing the color challenge. Maybe I'll try again later this year.

Thank you for playing everyone!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Good morning from sunny Miami, FL!

I just wanted to remind you that the deadline for the JANUARY Color Challenge is approaching! Have your creations uploaded to Mr.Linky no later than Jan 29 midnight and I'll announce the winner on the 30th (I'll be using

I never posted a picture of the RAK this month but I can assure you that you will not be disappointed!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I'm so exited about Pages in Time upcoming crop! We have great games and challenges prepared and most (if not all) will give out RAKs!
Remember that it's the weekend before Valentine's Day (5, 6, and 7) at Pages in Time.

On another note, I finished a LO about two days ago but haven't been able to upload it. I used Sketchy Thursdays sketch (no surprise there since I'm addicted to their sketches!) and I did it with a vintage style (or an attempt anyway).

Here's Sketchy Thursdays' sketch:

I distressed the Anna griffin PP with a pair of scissors. I inked the yellow PP from Basicgrey's recess collection and cut it into the die cut shape that I used. The black frame I cut with my pazzles and the flowers I made out of left over cardstock and pattern paper. I added a string of pearls and handmade the white swirls. The title I printed on my printer. Finally, I added the little butterflies that i made with the Martha Stewart butterfly punch.

Here are a few close ups:

List of Supplies
From Design Team Package:
Pattern Paper: Anna Griffin
Black lace

From my stash:
BasicGrey: Recces Collection
Cardstock: Bazzill Monochromatic brown cardstock
Glue: Diamond Glaze
Martha Stewart Butterfly Punch
3D white Paint: Shiny White
Inkadinkado: Brown ink (flower petals)
String of Pearls from Michaels (wedding section)
Cuttlebug punches (leaf and flower)
Cuttlebug Machine
and my handy dandy Pazzles Machine! (for the film roll)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Wow, I can't believe that it has been a week since I've been here!
Anyway, I have some really exiting news. Pages in Time will be having a Valentine's Day Crop the weekend before Valentine's Day!

Get in on the fun at our Valentine's On Line Crop!!!!
Join me and the rest of the Design Team with our fearless leader Karen, for a weekend of on-line fun!

Join us for fun challenges,games,chat and a new tutorial! Small RAK's given for lucky participants!

This is not a point based crop where you have to collect points for RAK's. All Rak's given away by random draw for whatever challenge/game its being offered for. You must complete the challenge and games to be eligible for the drawings.

So mark your calendars and come join us for a weekend of fun!!

Time:Feb 5,2010 at 6pm to Feb 7,2010 12am.

Location: Pages in Time Main Forum

I really hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

tuesday...'s so cold in Miami!

Aside from that, I did manage to finish a LO and two cards yesterday!

and some close ups:

I had fun with this LO even though I'm not too sure that I like it that much.
I used my sketch for this one. I traced the die cut paper in the paper of my choice, in this case, a black and white paper. I use this technique a lot since it saves a lot of money! The little calendar I made in photoshop using a picture as a template. I also made the flourish with stickles. I love how it looks and it's so much cheaper than buying the bling! I'm what you call a scrapper in a budget so I get inventive! LOL I'll make a tutorial on how to make your own bling soon.The picture was taken back in 2008 when I became a citizen of the US. I used the feathered technique to give it a glowy look (I use photoshop). Finally, the title was cut with the Pazzles and was stickled.

Now, here are the two cards that I made yesterday.
For this one, I used Sketchy Thursdays card sketch by Heidi! Way to go Heidi! This sketch rocks!


This card was just a quick card that I made for any male (or female?) birthday that might come along. It's good to sometimes have a few pre made cards. :)


I used only scraps for these two cards since one of my new year's resolutions is to use only scraps for cards (I need to get rid of them somehow!).

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Last year, I wanted to make my own invitations but didn't have enough time to make them so I opted to buy them. However, I had a few ideas for the invites so I decided to make them for Karen so she can display them at her store.

Here's the first invite:

The open invite

Close up

The second invite


The open invite

Close up

I made them very simple because, remember, when you are working on 50+ invites, you don't want them to be too ornate. I used my cuttlebug to give it some texture.


Ok, here's the tutorial that I promised!

How to make a distressed background using scissors.
1. Using a sharp pair of scissors, gently distress the sides of the paper by running it through the edge of the paper.
2. In random spots, crumble up the paper to give dimension and flatten it out again.
3. Using your favorite inking pad, run it lightly by the edge until you achieve the look that you want.
4. Finish by adhering the distressed sheet of paper to a lighter colored cardstock.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Happy Friday everyone!

This is my first layout for Pages in Time for the month of January.

I had a blast working with the new Harlee Quinnz Designs papers. I especially loved the green one, Butterfly shadows. I used Suepup's Sketch.

I distressed the green paper so that it would match the picture a little more since the picture was taken at the park where I got married 7 months ago (how time flies!). I cut a circle out of the DCWV brown cardstock and distressed the edges with a pair of scissor which is the same way I distressed the green paper. The Tim Holtz mask I cut with my Pazzles using a left over piece of brown paper. I distressed it with ink and applied a few dots of white 3D paint. The brown paper matting the picture, the other Harlee Quinnz Designs paper, I distressed using hole punchers, something I learned from Irene (scrapperlicious). I love this look! For the little butterflies I used the Martha Stewart Stamp and Punch set that I got for Christmas. The butterfly's trail I handmade with black stickles. I also rubbed some black stickles on the yellow flowers to mute them down a bit. Finally, for the title, I cut the word GRAND out of a transparency sheet with my Pazzles. I ran it through the cuttlebug with the Textile embossing folder to give it dimension. Then, I painted the back of the letters with the white acrylic paint. Finally, I inked the edges of the front of the letters to add depth.

Here are a few close ups:


List of Supplies
From Design Team Package:
Pattern Paper: Harlee Quinnz Designs Butterfly Garden and Butterfly Shadows
Rub-Ons: BoBunny Heart Throb

From my stash:
Cardstock: Bazzill White Cardstock and DCWV brown cardstock
Glue: Diamond Glaze
Petaloo Brown Flower: Flora Doodles
Colorbok Yellow Flowers: Layered Flowers
Martha Stewart Butterfly Punch
Oriental Trading yellow anchors and mini brad
GCD Studios: Melody Ross Transparency Designs bird (thanks Maggi!)
Ranger Stickles: Black Diamond
3D white Paint: Shiny White
Transparency sheet from Office Max (title)
Inkadinkado: Brown ink
Acrylic White Paint: JoAnn Essentials
Cuttlebug embossing folder: Textile
Cuttlebug machine
and my handy dandy Pazzles Machine

I'm working on a tutorial to show you how to achieve the distressed look in the background paper. Come back later today!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Hi everyone! I just got my internet back today! Hopefully it will stay on since yesterday it came on for about an hour and when I got back home from the park we didn't have internet anymore. I haven't been online for 3 days. 3 DAYS! What did we used to do before internet? I don't remember.

On another note, I start school today. I have a class in the afternoon. Wish me luck!
I'm also doing well with Project 365. I need to finish my first week so I can share with you all :)

Ok, the real reason why I'm blogging today is to share my example for the color combo. Here it is:

I made a digi LO with pictures of my husband which are a few years old now but at least it got done. I used Beggahuna's sketch for this one.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Ok, this was supposed to have been up yesterday but my internet died while I was updating my blog. We had a nasty storm yesterday afternoon and my internet is still down. I'm typing this from my mother in law's house.
Anyway, without further ado,here's the challenge!

Welcome to the first COLOR COMBO challenge! I will post a new color combination in the beginning of every month for you to play with. On the 30th of each month, I'll randomly choose a winner (I'll use and will send them a little something! The more people I have playing, the better the gifts will get! The layout or card should be 90% or more in those colors to be eligible.



Remember to link them to Mr.Linky to be eligible for the random gift!

EDITED: The last color is brown. I don't know why it looks kind of purple.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New year! Can't believe it's 2010 already!

Well, as I promised, there will be changes to my blog for this year. Here's the first one. Each month I'll bring you a new color combination for you to play with. At the end of the month, on the 30th at midnight to be specific, I'll close the submissions and choose a random winner using To the winner, I'll send a little something!

This year I'll be doing Project 365 and I'm determined to finish it. I'll be posting some of my layouts here as well as digital freebies, templates and sketches.

This brings me to another thing that I'll be doing this year. I'll be posting a new sketch per month too! If you want to be the first one to see it though, you should come over to Pages in Time to be one of the first to see it since I'll be posting it there first.